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Our integration solutions


higher education institutions
across Europe

Efficient & Seamless Workflows

Automated processes save time, eliminate duplication, and ensure data is always up to date.

Secure & Stable Operations

Secure & Stable Operations

Secure & Stable Operations

High uptime, intelligent data mapping, and continuous monitoring reduce the risk of errors.

Flexible & Higher Education-Specific

The solution is easily expandable and adjustable, designed specifically to meet the needs of higher education.

TimeEdit / Canvas

TimeEdit / Canvas

TimeEdit / Canvas

This popular integration ensures that schedules and teaching activities from TimeEdit are automatically synchronized with Canvas.

FS / TimeEdit

FS / TimeEdit

FS / TimeEdit

This integration connects Felles Studentsystem (FS) with TimeEdit, enabling automatic and up-to-date scheduling without manual work.

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FS / Canvas

FS / Canvas

FS / Canvas

Students, courses, and assessments are automatically updated, making workflows for both faculty and administrators simpler and more efficient.

TimeEdit / Bravida

TimeEdit / Bravida

TimeEdit / Bravida

This integration ensures that schedules in TimeEdit are automatically synchronized with the Bravida Integra access control system.

TimeEdit / Panopto

TimeEdit / Panopto

TimeEdit / Panopto

Our integration connects TimeEdit with Panopto, ensuring that lecture recordings are linked to bookings in TimeEdit and made available to students.

Planned launch: 2025

Planned launch: 2025

Planned launch: 2025

FS / Bewator

FS / Bewator

FS / Bewator

With our integration between FS and Bewator (BAPS), access permissions are automatically updated based on student and staff data in FS.




Users are authenticated directly via Feide, simplifying system access without additional administration or manual account management.

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Studsys er en rendyrket leverandør av edtech for høyere utdanning.

Studsys har lokaler på Lillehammer og i Bergen.

Selskapet har tidligere vært kjent som SolarSoft (2006), Kong Arthur (2012) og som en del av NetNordic Group siden 2022.

Studsys er en del av NetNordic Group (993 037 079).

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(+47) 993 062 561